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Support Us

During this time of social distancing, The Hall Newman Center
depends on donations to continue our ministry. All monetary donations, of any form, are used to keep our programs and celebration of Mass alive!

We prayerfully invite you to sign up for eGiving from your computer, smartphone, or tablet and set up a recurring donation or make a one-time gift, through Faith Direct®. See below for more details.

Sign Up

For First Time Donors

Please click the button below to sign up to make an account with Faith Direct®. Don't forget to use our code: NY667 upon registering!

One-Time Gift/Donation

Faith Direct®

Please click the button below if you would like to make a one-time donation, support a program, or remit a program fee to the Hall Newman Center.

Recurring Gift

Faith Direct® Account Holders

If you would like to set up a recurring donation in support of the Hall Newman Center please click the button below.


What is Faith Direct®?

Faith Direct® is an online tool in which you can automate your financial gifts to the Hall Newman Center. Several of our community members are enrolled and report positive feedback as to the security, and convenience of this program.

We understand that not everyone is in a place to donate to the Hall Newman Center monetarily. If you would like to donate your time instead, please click the button below for our Involvement Form!

Dedication of the Dr. Leo T. Cribben Giving Tree

The Cribben family has gifted the Hall Newman Center with a memorial giving tree to honor Dr. Leo Cribben for his dedication to the Catholic Campus Ministry at SUNY Oswego. 


Dr. Cribben came to Oswego in the winter of 1928 as an instructor in the math department at the Oswego Normal School under Riggs. After five years at the school, he became Dean of Men and faculty advisor to the campus Newman Club. As an advisor to the Newman Club for 19 years, Dr. Cribben was very active in helping the club grow and flourish. He held regular club meetings, breakfasts, banquets, and celebrations to facilitate the Newman mission of nurturing student's spiritual, intellectual, and social development.

The tree, which is represented with a plaque in the Hall Newman Center, will be a way for benefactors of this campus ministry to provide support and remembrance in someone's name.


36 New St Oswego, NY 13126

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©2020 by The Hall Newman Center. Proudly created with - Partially funded by the Hope Appeal

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