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Come Join Us
All Are Welcome

rooted in PRAYER

supported by COMMUNITY

reaching out in SERVICE

Serving SUNY Oswego Since 1934

Our Mission

The Mission of the Hall Newman Center is to nurture the spiritual development of individuals on the SUNY Oswego campus and in the Oswego community. We commit ourselves to be a resource for information, education, and advocacy on behalf of the Catholic Church and its teachings. Our welcoming and vibrant atmosphere promotes a sense of Christian community and we commit ourselves to be available to and to represent the students of SUNY Oswego, the larger college and area communities.

2024-2025 Pizza Feeds the Soul Campaign

Sponsor a pizza after Mass

With a $30 donation you can sponsor a pizza after Mass.  All sponsors will be acknowledged in our weekly email and our church bulletin and at the pizza table. We appreciate your support!



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Hall Newman Center Mass

We invite you to join us for Mass every Sunday at 6:30 pm.  All are welcome to celebrate our faith and gather in community.


Holy Hour

Join us for an hour of prayer and reflection in our chapel, led by Deacon John Lalande.



*Please Use Our East Entrance (Main Parking Lot)



"God is smiling :)"

Michael Huynh

Who We Are

Stay Connected to
The Hall Newman Center

36 New St Oswego, NY 13126


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36 New St Oswego, NY 13126

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©2020 by The Hall Newman Center. Proudly created with - Partially funded by the Hope Appeal

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